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Glenrothes: 01592 654553
Electrical Installation Condition Reports
RB Grant provide a professional EICR service all over Scotland. As members of the NICEIC we provide testing to the current electrical standards. We provide commercial EICR's at a very competitive cost. We carry out these services from everyone from a small businesses to local Councils. With 47 years experience in electrical testing we are the number one choice.
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Periodic inspection reports (PIR) are now regarded as EICR Electrical installation condition report . This is exactly the same as a periodic inspection report. RB Grant have carried out EICR for home owners, landlords and local authorities for many years. Our electricians are very experienced in this type of testing and our reports are provided electronically for clarity and easy recording. We also provide landlord safety certificates, HMO compliance certificates and appliance testing. All faults are listed and information on rectification. We provide a fixed cost for testing and any remedial repairs required.
An EICR is used to test electrical installations for defective wiring, accessories or poor workmanship that does not comply with the standards. The name of PIR has changed to Electrical Installation Condition Reports because it describes the inspections and tests carried out on existing electrical installations to establish their condition and confirm if they meet safety standards for the current BS7671. All our electricians are fully trained and qualified to carry you EICR reports and issue compliant certificates on completion.
Workforce for the Future Award 2016
These reports are also used by places of work to demonstrate compliance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. The types of properties that typically fall within the EICR guidelines are properties owned by local authorities, private landlords or housing associations as well as commercial and industrial properties. The typical guidelines on intervals between EICR's in a domestic property are on change of occupancy or every ten years. For a commercial business it should be every five years, three years for caravans and every year for swimming pools.
EICR's should be carried out by competent electrical contractors who have experience of testing and inspection. R.B. Grant are fully qualified NICEIC contractors supplying first class electrical testing services. The extent of the inspection and testing must be agreed with the client, and any agreed limitations noted on the EICR which is then given to the client.
All electrical installations deteriorate with use and time. It is very important that every electrical installation is periodically inspected and tested by a fully trained electrician. The EICR should be carried out at appropriate intervals to see if any electrical maintenance is required in the property.
You may need a condition report for a number of reasons, such as when selling or buying a property. Or, you may need a report to find out the condition of an installation after a flood or fire, or at the end of the period recommended in a previous electrical certificate or report.
The results of the EICR should be clearly displayed in an Electrical Installation Condition Report. Any faults found that comply with the current BS7671 should be recorded and recommended for remedial action
An Electrical Installation Condition Report is a report not a certificate. It provides an assessment of the in-service condition of an electrical installation against the requirements of the edition of BS 7671 at the time of the inspection, irrespective of the age of the installation.
An Electrical Installation Condition Report include all of the following factors:
Each observation found in the EICR which shows concern about the safety of the installation should be given a classification code selected from the standard codes: C1, C2 and C3.
"RB Grant have understood the importance of integration with our staff and have provided a seamless service delivery with a knowledgeable technical supervisory support system that has complimented our service greatly" Electrical Co-ordinator, Fife Council.